Do you hear it'1 Lions thunder Sofia! They don't moan! May our cells be loaded up with rotted lions' bones. Hold tight my brothcri Don't bow down! Allah isHAYY! (The Fxcr-I.iMne) Bo"ac My Rabb... savs in Bakara Or do von feel that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as went to the individuals who passed on before you9" Allah-u Akbar! (Allah is The Greatest) Allah-u Akbar! (Allah is The Greatest) Shut Allah-u Akbar! (Allah is The Greatest) Make these canines shut up1 Allah-u Akbar! (Allah is The Greatest) It's the location of my immaculate triumph Dundar Bey. Wc realize who did this. Presently request us. Kayi's Alps will attack Kulucahisar château. For what reason do you believe it's Kulucahisar Bamsi Bey 9 Sofia and Kalanos went to our tents and thcv need companionship Wc don't have the foggiest idea who did this. O Sulcvman Shah... who is perched on your jacket now0 He can't even recogni/c the foes . Fvcn T understood that demon when I just showed up. How cant vou see Sofia's genuine face7 dislike the Fast you originated from Sclcan Halun. This fringe has a basic parity and diplomatics. Tf you hadn't flee with vour spouse >ou would've known There is no psyche however words. She doesn't take a gander at herself and attempting to show us diplomatics. Your period passed Sclcan Halun H vc u attempt to forestall our business I won't simply state words, realize that. Take a gander at her Bamsi an outsider would think she was a Sultan, Don't cause me to go distraught. Know your breaking point 7ohre! Quiet down Sclcan Halun, Sclcan Hatun. Tf vou ever contend like this again T will cut vour tongues. Presently, leas e the war zone to men. Hatuns. Go out! Dundar Bc! Dundar Bc Apparently there bend a few people who disregarded Kayi's disturbance here. Cause them to recall. Osman is my child Wc won't find omfort until wc discover him But the equivalent is bi"acr than I suspected Wc will snare like wolves to spare Osman from the snare, and thunder like lions. Wc will be as tricky as foxes. Niw. . hear me out well. Huge fiend Udcomc You circular segment coming one modify another. Our greatest delight is to make you sull'er UPIUS Pain is honcj fir us, and enduring is sim Don't get too energized Osman. We despite everything have time. We will tune in to >ur important sentences Princess Sofia., very much done my little girl The Turks won't stop. furthermore, search for Osman in the stronghold. They will see vou as a holy messenger May it be simple Osman. Gundu/Bey we can't overlook u cap they circular segment sparing. You will go to the manor with Bamsi Bey and converse with Sofia Make them feel my resentment. Let them know.
In the event that our companions circular segment included Osman's snare . wc will cut their hands and tear their hearts out Yes mv Bc Thank you Dundar Bc T wasn't finished with that red fallen angel. You circular segment going there for the wellbeing of Osman. Bamsi Bev Don't overlook I Wc don't leave anything half-wrapped up. Batur. Your Alps will look all over the place. You w sick be on ready They will look through each spot If you discover a hint of a man, illuminate us. Truly my dad I figured you would be more brilliant You took the snare immediately Osman Isn't it right on time to praise your triumph Yannis^ Our light has quite recently begun Thanks to my Rabb .. He gave me a shrewd foe like you. Did you take in these words from your foam t.UEUlSQ You need to realize where Sheik Fdcbali rig tQ You need me to sell him and see where the fortune is as genuine T couldn't care less where the fortune is T need to crush your notoriety Tfyou take important bits of a state vou take it's hon lur and race T have numerous fortunes You mifijht take our fortune yet you can't take our spirits. Our predecessors state "The State leaves however ethics sta" Our m irals circular segment in nir hearts and brains. F.vcn if there is one Turk left in the earth that implies our state is as yet alive. Also, that one Turk's point is to decimate your sultanate! Osman Bey... you should be parched. . You bend so furious beginner Osman Ts it prepared 0 Fire. . fire, which consumes iron... Show us your capacity. Shaitan! Dastard1 You have old buddies, Osman. As you get injured, they shout
Is this the intensity of your fire. Yannis Witness my triumph Osman. Mceala Where is Fdebali9 Where is Fdcbali9 Allah! In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful. Verily We have conceded thee a show Victory That Allah may pardon thee thy issues of the past and those to follow, satisfy His kindness to thee and control thee on the Straight Wax And that Allah may support thee with ground-breaking help." Tt would he say he is Who sent down Tranquil I it} into the hearts of the Believers that thcx mama add confidence to their confidence for to Allah have a place the Forces of the sky and the earth and Allah is Full of Knowledge and Wisdom Fnou h Enough I will disclose to you where Fdcbali I'm tuning in to vou, shrewd Osman Where is Edebali? Ace Yannis! Ace Yannis! Allah is HAYY! (The Ever-Living) Allah is HAQQ! (The Absolute Truth) Allah is ONE! Dastards. Ace Yannis1 Did you get notification from Osman Bey, Batur9 Aren't you his friend1 You couldn't prelect your Bey. Wc made all the adversaries bow yet the double crossers among us betray us. InshaAllah you didn't deceive again Or else T will make vou a prey for cbgs. You can't even protect} our Bey Samsa. So you were so valiant, where were you when Osman was kidnapped and his Alps were martyred'1 Yau bend the feel burnt out on (it nah Batur But T guaranteed Bamsi Bey T won't carrv wood to the fitnah fire until vvc demolish the foes If T hear each other thing about vou nobody can spare vou from my teeth Cut it short Samsa. Go to the Kayi clan and comply with my dad Dundar Bey Frtugrul Bey enabled to my dad. For what reason did you visit mc° Wc circular segment not here to visit you Sofia Wc canu here to address you An assault ma>bc a bctraval. You will let us know. T don't comprehend what you're state ing What betraval what a tack circular segment you talking about9 Osman Bey and his Alps were assaulted.
There is no compelling reason to keep it loni?. Tf Kulucahisar did this, vou ought to be terrified of us. Y^u bend undermining us on our properties in our mansion. Gundu/Bey We cbn't compromise Kalams! It's the request for Suleyman §ah's child Dundar Bey if it's you who slaughtered our Alps, w ho assaulted our Bevs and hurt our association, Ravi's furvr will be on you I swCar on the confidence in our souls. We will break your entryway with our thunder nailed ponies . what's more, with xir irin clench hands. Also, we will make vour dividers grave s tones for vou Wc will do it Sofia vallahi b llahi T comprehend your torment Bamsi Bey. We curve >our most remarkable partners. Whv would wc do this0 Wc executed the deceiver among us. Yannis Tust to strcnethcn our companionship. T lost my foam for this harmony. Whoever breaks this harmony T will execute him. Officer Kalanos! Request all the fighters in Kulucahisar. Our ground-breaking all Kayi clan's Osman Bey will be searched for. diminishes that hurts him will be devastated Wc won't stop until wc hear fr6'm nirff Fnd your questions, Gunduz Bey As wc ensure harmony everybody will win FyvAllah Princess Sofia EyvAllah. Sofia these eyes. saw many foxes camouflaged as sheep Tn the end. these loxes were the materials of my shoes. Realize that Princess Sofia. Come, my Gunduz Let's go. FyvAllah Bamsi Bey Master, curve you alrigh ' He even took excessively. He is solid as a lion He won't talk effectively Keep tormenting him when he awakens. Where curve you going Master9 To the château Fdebali will get in touch with me for Osman. Y^ur men will be wary. Indeed ace. Kavis can smell the blood. What bend you doing here0 Traitor! Cleric Marcus! Tursun Fakih' Soldiers! Catch him! In the event that somebody contacts me Andreas will bite the dust! You will take me to Sofia!
T brought Edebah's welcome! Fat meat Slowly jackal Don't pass on T despite everything need you Why bend you doing this9 What do you need from me9 Fvcn on the off chance that we circular segment inverse sides we have a similar foe. UBILISQ Listen to me well Osman's alive bvdv was a difficulty yet his dead body will bring more difficulties. Reveal to me where Osman is. T hac t> "ir^teet mv foam's notoriety Why might T care about your dad's reputation9 T can't tell von w here Osman is. T don't need Osman alive. . T need him dead Osman is a deterrent remaining against my fantasies. When weg) chasing he leads. At the point when we have a gathering. he speaks Osman is consistently the solid one And I generally remained back T can't push ahead while he is near. Either T will slaughter you ^rT will give ten times of this gold. There is nothing to consider Yxi need Osman's head from me. Educate me concerning the sold can even slaughter my dad I will be holding up lor you by the riser Brine his head by today. In any case, T won't give you any gold before T see his head. Tt was a decent understanding Tt was a decent aerccmcnt. Anybody here0 Tsn'l there anyone1 Isn't there anyone9 You are there child. Edebali! Who else do you need9 Fdebali 1 Where are you9 People have their cherished ones in their souls. Wear t search for me somewhere else Thanks to Allah Fdebali Thev limited my options and everything. . T am edgy. I have no force left People who discover genuine opportunity in Allah's manner can't be held hostages, child. For what reason am I sulTcring Why am I sufTcring Why am I enduring Why am T sidfcrine How would i be able to dispose of this' The fix is covered up in the issue. You will see. Take it child lake it Take t Take t Separate the earth and soil. So you will figure out how to isolate.
You will adapt so your insight will go further. Genuine fortune is science. Osman Treasures are just clear to the ones who can see. you think Allah who sees hears and knows it all. overlooked vou9 Do you think His hireling came and tied you9 Get free of your questions, so I. Separate the soil, and arrive at the treasury So. Without a doubt, alongside the hardship there is ease" So Undoubtedly, alongside the hardship there is ease" So. Without a doubt, alongside the hardship there is case" (Surah Al-lnshirah 94:5) So, Undoubtedly alone with the hardship there is ease" So. Without a doubt alongside the hardship there is ease" So. Without a doubt, alongside the hardship there is ease" So. Without a doubt alongside the hardship there is ease" So, Undoubtedly alongside the hardship there is ease" So. Without a doubt, alongside the hardship there is ease" So. Without a doubt, alongside the hardship there is ease" Bala Hatun! Slow down.
Your speed contends with your boldness Wc need you away from however you come nearer Don't you have any elegance' You don't have the foggiest idea what our ethics circular segment as you don't have the foggiest idea about your breaking point Since when do Turks excuse their guests9 T realize what to state yet you don't have a clue where to stop You accompanied your vile feet you brought inconvenience Osman will bite the dust as a result of you. Ho w much blood would you like to be shed 7 Isn't it cn 'Hb'h9 Do you generally cry when you curve in trouble9 Tt resembles von were brought up in a palaee rather than a clan Aygul sister, on the off chance that you haxc huge drcams. keep our heart bis also Tt shouldn't be demolished in even episode. On the off chance that vou lift vour hand to me once more.
I will take your eyes greetings Hatuns What's going on here9 We are consistently in a tough situation as a result of them. What's more, they curve at our entryway again with no disgrace. Bala . get in the tent, little girl Go mind your business1 Aaul . ou overlooked, let me remind vou You are a Bey's little girl. Your greatest decoration is your goodness That's the first Osman put his life in chance for Bala Hatun Fven you can't get in the middle of them And that is the second one Al wavs recollect them Don't wear my out And that is the third one. What's going on Andreas9 How would you be able to come in here with an I'akc-pricsl':' Calm down Sofia. Your old companion stayed with you. Why circular segment you an ary9 Soldiers! Andreas will kick the bucket on the off chance that you make each other stride. T brought Fdcbah's offer Fl'cndi Yannis was correct Priest Marcus you came here yourself You will bring the fortune T am tuning in to you. T won't state a \ yrd until Yannis comes here I will hang tight for him here I trust I w 'in't upset you. Did vou hear frvm Osman Bev'1 N I yet T realize that red dev 11 is d >in£» this. Kulucahisar's fallen angels curve playing a game to us. They don't have the foggiest idea about that wc curve all conceded with something I wish we could demolish their mansion After Osman Bey returns wc w sick do that lor sure. My Osman . I wonder how he is Osman is the fate of ^ur clan May my Allah secure him M} father sent me here after he found out about Osman To inquire as to whether you need anything He needs to help you Mav Allah be with him You bend havine a significant discussion. Don't you tune in to your Bey right now there a dualism now as you circular segment keeping somebody who is unwanted9 So, Undoubtedly alongside the hardship there is ease" So Undoubtedly alongside the hardship there is ease" So Undoubtedly alongside the hardship there is ease" Thanks to Allah! Aik hello there' M Bey M Bev' It's m first time seeing a li in dropped from getting beat You should sec it's claws1 Ya Allah1 Arc you flaunting as your Dundar Bey is the representer now1