This is Episode number FOUR of Kurulus Osman Season 1 with Urdu Subtitles. Did Constantin's and Nikea's riches reached a conclusion? Did you come here for treasures? Try not to talk, lady! Try not to contact her! Uififtiahgrafiks.com Aag A|/| Nor Diindar Bey neither Giinduz Bey will leave it. Boran sibling, everybody on this land and fringe will know. On the off chance that somebody double-crosses Ertugrul Gazi's child Osman, he will wind up this way. On the off chance that I were quiet to this selling out, how might I go out as a man, an Alp? On the off chance that I didn't rebuff my uncle's child today, on the off chance that I segregated backstabbers, would my dad's endeavors and my mom's milk be halal? EyvAllah my Bey. We'd penance ourselves for your equity. What are we going to do now, my Bey? I didn't shed this blood to flaunt, Konur Alp. Whoever stands infront of us will wind up this way, regardless of if it's my sibling or uncle. Everybody will realize that. My child... my valiant... He attempted to execute me mother.. Nothing will transpire my valiant. Try not to stress, your mom's hands will recuperate you. He needed to slaughter me, mother. Bring the towels, Burqin! Nothing will happen to my sibling, right mother? Kayi Hatuns are utilized to blood. It's not an opportunity to cry. Go wash these towels. Hold up! Rush! Burgin, blend daisy and cannabis. Remember to bubble trumpet blossom. Truly Zuhre mother. Aygul, set fire. Demirci Bey. You know the difficulty we are in with the stronghold. We are on protection. I educated Alps. They will carry their swords to you. Check them. EyvAllah Gunduz Bey. I don't need sluggishness. Carry out your responsibilities. EyvAllah my Bey. Would i be able to come in my Bey? Come in. My Giinduz Bey. What was the deal? Osman Bey. What happened to Osman Bey? Osman Bey cut Batur infront of Dundar Bey's tent. Osman... may your hands can't hold shields. May your heart be loaded up with blood. In the event that I double-cross like your child, may it be, auntie. Is it accurate to say that you aren't finished with shedding blood? Was it my child Batur's chance after Aybars? As you most likely are aware... we get lives for lives, and we clean blood with blood. Let me, Giindiiz Bey! Do you need bad form or equity, auntie? Keep your distant. I need vengeance, Giindiiz Bey. You are thundering as you don't you have a man in your tent, Zohre Hatun. It's not done here, Osman. You shedded my blood. With the goal that you needed me to endure... You will follow through on it's cost. You did this as well, ueiuso You did this.. Enough Osman... When will you discover harmony? When will you stop Osman? Your sibling will stop when we are not deceived any longer, sibling. No... You won't stop Osman. You won't. Alps Take Osman Bey to the confined tent. Disloyalty and supporting it... is the same for me. I am bowing down to the ethics, as you are Alpba§i, not my sibling. I will address you for that. Know about it. Ummahgrafiks.com Son... Child... Child, who battles like a maned wolf when he didn't develop mustache. Child, who stands up like a banner when he falls. You made this dull soil a country child... Child... you are not dead. Our Creator, who made the ground and the sky says something very similar. They are dead." Rather, they are alive, yet you see [it] not. (Baqarah) We don't know child. Individuals who'll come after you will know. They will. child. Child... on the off chance that you don't fall... on the off chance that I don't fall.. who will transform this dull soil into a country? Who will transform this dull soil into a country? What happened Erkut Alp? My Bey, Osman Bey wounded Batur infront of Diindar Bey's tent. What are you saying Erkut Alp? Excuse us my Bey. We do as they requested. You will carry out your responsibilities. Try not to stress, siblings. Bring the merchandise. So you are parched, ha? You won't drink it before you talk. Bamsi Bey... My Osman.. Why, my valiant? Each selling out has a cost. What's more, Batur paid for his treachery. Great at that point. In any case, my Osman, let me know... How could he sell out? They gave Theokles, who were going to take us to the enemies of my sibling Aybars, to the stronghold. Who did it, my Osman? My uncle... my sibling... Batur. Whose blood right? Whose blood right? Osman Bey assaulted to Batur, my Bey. Zohre Hatun is treating him inside. My lion... Batur. You will be fine my child. He attempted to slaughter me father. Osman shedded our blood. Where is Osman concealing at this point? Which well would he say he is in? He isn't covering up and he isn't terrified. It's Osman. He investigated my eyes and inferred that he progressed nicely. He will follow through on the cost of shedding Diindar Bey's child's blood. Father... stop him. Or then again he will end all of us. Diindar Bey. Giindiiz took him to the confined tent Being an uncle isn't helpful Diindar Bey. You need to show your Bey face to Osman. I will show Osman what shedding blood resembles. Where were you when Osman cut my child? What's happening with you? Dundar Bey! What do you think you are doing, DundarBey? How might you give the trap for my Aybars' executioner, Dundar Bey? How might you offer him to the stronghold? To forestall different torments. To not lose valiants like Aybars. To forestall the war among us and Byzantine... while Mongols are searching for a chance. To guard our clan until my sibling comes, Bamsi Bey. In any case... what was the deal? Kayi's large legend Osman Bey sneaked in and murdered him. Hear me, Bamsi Bey! Osman slaughtered Theokles. If not for the society, he was going to execute my Batur also. He was going to rip my heart off. Dundar Bey... My Osman's fortitude confounded you. You will fault Osman if a breeze blows. Yorgopolos' and Theokles' demise... is demonstrating Osman as the blameworthy one. Try not to join Osman's kerwan and dominate Kayi's future. Open your eyes! See reality! Do you realize what I'm seeing when I take a gander at you, Diindar Bey? What am I seeing when I take a gander at you? I see apathy. It's not sluggishness, it's being mindful and shielding. Bitinya's scale is extremely delicate. I won't let Osman do anything he desires and hurt individuals. You will see, I won't. Osman is an entrustment from my Ertugrul Bey. I won't let you do anything to Osman, Diindar Bey! I won't! We didn't discovered this tents previously manufactured, Bamsi Bey. I am Suleyman §ah's child, Diindar. I won't pity and I will decimate everybody who assaults at Kayi's future... counting my child who is endure in inside. I am Bamsi Beyrek! For whatever length of time that I am alive, nobody will contact Osman! I am gulping my indignation, Diindar Bey, I am breathing blood out. I am hurling fire, I will consume, Diindar Bey... I will, Diindar Bey. We got the hang of something significant my Bey, on the off chance that you permit me. What was the deal? They attacked the new bazaar, Aag Aiu They executed everybody. What are you saying? Go illuminate Giinduz Bey. We are setting off to the new bazaar. Indeed my Bey. I will address Osman when I return. You shedded blood today, ueiuso You shedded blood of somebody who has the some blood with you, Osman. Reveal to me now. What will happen now? What will happen now? I shedded the grimy blood which harms Kayis, sibling. It's the start. Don't you commit errors once more. I am not Batur Osman. Did you hear me? I'm not Batur! I will tear the eyes of the person who might draw a sword against me! Know your breaking point! Or something bad might happen, I won't care regardless of whether you are my sibling... I won't hang tight for my dad... what's more, I will rip your heart off, Osman! Everything is self-evident. Visual deficiency, and treachery. You ought to be terrified, not me! Osman... at the point when you were crying in your lodging... I took in governmental issues from my dad. The significant thing is the point. What's going on here? Here and there, you get in entangled games for triumph. What's going on here? A youthful individual like you can't comprehend these games! New bazaar is struck. Diindar Bey is calling you. Alps will embark to the new bazaar. Bala Hatun.. Sibling. Open the sleeves. For you to bring more difficulties, Osman? Open the sleeves. I need to go to the new bazaar! For what reason would you say you are so intrigued? For what reason would you go to the new bazaar? Sibling! You need to think how to shield yourself from Kalanos first. Sibling! Sibling! Open my sleeves! Do it! • ueuiso You will get out when I need you to. Those chains will remain there until my dad comes. Sibling... Sibling! Would you like to go? You will get suffocated in your brutality! Quiet down Bring wine. My Allah... You never make us worry about the concern that we can't convey. Give me the limit of our Sumeyye (RA) mother. (First saint lady) Grant me with being a saint like her. Invigorate me. The second when I saw you with tears close to the pony.. I guaranteed myself. On the off chance that somebody makes this Hatun cry, at that point this individual will be my greatest foe I said. Bamsi Bey! Open my sleeves! Uncuff him before my indignation transforms into a tempest. At that point sleeve yourselves. My Bey. Do as I state EyvAllah. Bamsi Bey. They struck the new bazaar. We should set off right away. We should go my lion. Katalonya's valiant warriors! I am toasting for you! Don't you show kindness? I need a smidgen of water. You heard Salvador. You won't drink water until you talk. Do you think you came here to cause me to talk from Katalonya? What are you saying? Come. I'll let you know. Come. You are not frightened of a lady, isn't that so? Numbskull, does it change when wolves are female? She is fleeing! Catch her! Rush! Rush! Zohre Hatun. Bamsi Bey kidnapped Osman from the confine. It resembles he brings different issues before we fathom one. You are encompassed! I will rip your head off! On the off chance that you ever attempt to escape again, I will break your neck. Take her. Tursun Bey. I was coming to you, Osman Bey. What occurred in the new bazaar, Tursun Bey? Bamsi Bey... he resembles a dad to me. He knows it all. They assaulted the new bazaar and slaughtered everybody. Gonca Hatun is harmed. Shouldn't something be said about Bala Hatun? Accomplished something happen to her? They snatched Bala Hatun. Did they do it? We realize who did it, Osman Bey. In any case, troopers didn't escape the mansion. They must've discovered something to have it done. I don't have the foggiest idea what their identity is. They must've taken her to a mystery place. I can't return to the stronghold. Sofia will comprehend the connection when she sees Bala Hatun. Since she saw me with Bala Hatun. Osman Bey! We can spare Bala Hatun from those executioners' hands in the event that we continue being as one! You will go to the château, Tursun Efendi. Why, my Bey? On the off chance that they needed to execute Bala Hatun, they would do it at the new bazaar! They will torment you and question you. W